5.2.2 Risk Management
Catalpa do not have a standard approach to risk management at project-level because we try to respond to the requirements of each project and donor rather than using one template / set way of doing things. However if the donor has no template for us to use, we can use this template for Risk Assessment which is based on DFAT's categories.
What is Risk Management
Risk management is when we are trying to respond if a risk does become reality
Risk mitigation is when we are trying to prevent a risk from happening or lessen its impact
Risk: A chance that something (negative) might happen - a chance that might happen that will have a negative impact
Benefits of Risk Management:
Protects Catalpa as an organisation, staff, stakeholders / beneficiaries and assets and improves safety
Minimises negative outcomes and identifies opportunities
Improves service delivery, efficiency and effectiveness
Allows us to make better informed decisions
Supports better resource allocation and management
Encourages pro-active rather than reactive management
Assists in mitigating risks before they occur
Helps protect us legally, financially and identifies any compliance gaps
When to undertake risk assessment
Best for the team to do a risk assessment at the design / proposal writing stage, update when the contract is received or during inception
Brainstorm with everyone involved - Share the risk management matrix
Make sure we consider the budgetary implications of risk management in the project design / proposal
During implementation, Team Leader and/or Program Manager to review at least every quarter or more frequently if anything changes (operational environment, staffing etc.)
Risk assessment is a living document - keep it updated to be most effective and ensure it is contributed to by everyone on the team
See group training on risk and also template risk management assessment matrix here
Last updated
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