Gender Equality Policy
As an organisation, we recognise that gender diversity makes us more effective.
1. Key details
Policy prepared by: Kate Williams
Approved by management on: 1 July 2017
Policy became operational on: 1 July 2018
Next review date: 1 July 2024
01. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to articulate Catalpa International’s commitment to gender equality and describe the steps we will take towards putting this into practice in our organisation and our programs.
This policy applies to all Catalpa staff, volunteers, sub-contractors and board members.
03.1 Gender equality is a human right
We recognise that gender equality is a human right and understand gender equality to mean that women and men have equal conditions for realising their full human rights and potential to contribute to national, political, economic, social and cultural development, and to benefit from the results.
We acknowledge that throughout the world women and girls do not enjoy the same status, power and control over resources as men and boys. Women continue to face inequalities in many areas of life including unequal access to services such as health care and education, their voices are not equally heard in decision making, leadership or peace-building and they continue to experience gender-based violence.
We know that discrimination against women remains the most pervasive and persistent form of inequality. We also understand that gender inequalities are fundamental causes of poverty and this can be magnified by factors such as ethnicity, religion, age and disability which can interact with gender to cause greater marginalisation and inequality for women.
We are aware that even in workplaces in developing countries, inequalities persist and manifest in gender pay gaps and unequal representation.
03.3 Gender equality benefits everyone
As an organisation, we recognise that gender diversity makes us more effective.
In our office, it helps to creating a work culture that fosters respect for each individual’s capacity and unique contribution to our work. In doing so it broadens our perspective, enables us to respond better to the needs of our clients and places us in a better position to respond to new challenges.
We also know that our programs are more effective and sustainable when they consider and integrate gender equality and social inclusion. More effective programs lead to better results for us and our beneficiaries.
03.5 Gender inequalities are pervasive in the ICT sector
We know that gender inequalities abound in the ICT sector throughout the world. Often these go further than unequal pay and unequal representation but extend to include women not being promoted or recognised for their success as often as men and lacking mentors and role models. As part of this sector we recognise our duty to ensure that gender equality is embedded in our organisation and our work.
As a people first software design company, we are going to take steps to ensure that we become an employer of choice for women.
03.3 Catalpa is committed to gender equality
As an organisation, we value a diverse workforce and we are committed to ensuring that everyone working here has equal rights and equal access to resources and opportunities to participate regardless of their gender.
We are committed to promoting a culture that embraces gender equality at all stages of the employment cycle, particularly in the selection and assessment processes.
We are committed to ensuring that gender issues and needs are addressed (and adequately funded) in all aspects of our work including needs analysis, program and service planning and design, service development and delivery, management, partnership agreements and program monitoring and evaluation.
We realise that more fully integrating gender equality into our organisation and our work is a process that will take some time. We are going to start with the steps below. We will evaluate this policy annually to ensure that it is consistent with current best practice principles and remains relevant to our work.
Action area 1: Resources, monitoring and professional accountability
Catalpa Executive directors will be accountable for the implementation of this policy.
Ensure that key organisational policies, systems and practices including but not limited to budgeting, human resource recruitment, training and management, and decision making support women’s rights and gender equality.
Monitor the language and content of gender-specific or related material that will be published.
Increase the number of references to gender issues in our public forums and media.
Seek opportunities to be involved in gender networks to generate knowledge and share experiences.
Appoint a gender focal point within the organisation.
Conduct a gender audit in one year’s time.
Develop a sexual harassment policy.
Action area 2: Recruitment and retention of staff:
Assess nature and structure of gender imbalances in the organisation and set targets for recruitment, retention and promotion of staff accordingly
Develop strategies for targets (e.g. career development opportunities, family friendly and flexible working hours, sexual harassment policies, safe and secure transport when traveling and equal pay)
Prioritise gender sensitivity in all terms of reference
All recruitment processes will give consideration to gender balance and, where a male and a female candidate for a position are considered of equal merit, then gender balance will be taken into account in the final decision.
Men and women will receive equal pay for equal or similar work.
Men and women will enjoy equal access to the organisation’s resources and opportunities, and disadvantage will be redressed wherever it exists.
Catalpa will endeavour to ensure that all decision-making processes take into account the different personalities, styles and strengths of both men and women, so that all voices may be authentically heard.
Catalpa recognises the equal value/importance of both women and men in parenting children, and is committed to providing reasonable and fair parental leave that supports both parents.
Monitor employee conduct in relation to gender justice and where clear breaches of conduct occur, they will be addressed by the Executive Directors with a view to improving understanding and conduct. Reported incidents of sexual or gender-based harassment will be investigated and, if substantiated, referred to the appropriate authorities.
Action area 3: Build understanding of gender equality among staff
Build a common understanding around gender and gender inequality among staff through training (either online or in person with an appropriately skilled trainer)
Apply a gender lens to the planning and management of our programs where possible using integrated planning approaches and recognised gender sensitive tools and techniques such as gender analysis frameworks, collection of age/sex disaggregated data, and results-focused design and evaluation
Monitor and evaluate program s for gender goals using good practice guidelines and indicators
Engage and coordinate with partners, governments, funders and civil society organisations to promote and support effective, creative and impactful ways to promote gender equality
Executive Directors report annually to beneficiaries, donors and the public on progress on gender equality in Catalpa’s work through appropriate reporting channels.
1Australian Government Aid Program, Australia Awards, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Strategy, April 2010.
2 International Planned Parenthood Federation, 'What is gender equality?', Available from
3 Kilby, P & Crawford, J. 'Closing the gender gap', October 2011, ACFID Research in Development Series, Report No. 2
Last updated
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