Guide to photography
Photos help us communicate the work that we do. They can give context to our programs and demonstrate the way we work with partners and communities.
We encourage you to take photos when you’re working on your programs and share them on Slack.
If you’re worried your photos aren’t any good, the rule of thirds can help you compose a great shot without any special expertise.
Getting Consent
If there are people under 18 in your photos, always get a signed consent form. You can find these forms here.
Guidelines on ethical photography
Photographs and videos taken by Catalpa staff should respect human dignity and ensure the rights, safety and well-being of the person or people being portrayed. This means:
Complying with local traditions or restrictions in taking or reproducing images of people, objects or places
Understanding national laws related to photography, filming and privacy rights
Gaining appropriate verbal or written informed consent before taking photographs or videos
Respecting a person’s right to refuse to be photographed or video. If you sense any reluctance or confusion, refrain from taking the photo or video
Not causing harm. Individuals or groups may be put at risk of reprisal, violence or rejection in their communities as a result of exposing their identity or personal story through the publication of their photograph or broadcast of any video
Not misrepresenting the individual, situation, context and location of the photograph or video
Absolutely no payments or any other form of compensation being provided to subjects in exchange for their photograph or video to be taken or for their consent or signed release for publication or broadcast
Photographs and videos of issues that are culturally sensitive, politically sensitive or socially stigmatised must protect the identity and privacy of individuals.
Do not identify individuals. Position the camera in such a way that faces and other unique characteristics cannot be discerned.
Obtain informed written consent to use real names and locations in situations where disclosure could result in harm. Otherwise, remove detailed personal information such as names and locations in captions or any other associated documentation.
Identifiable images of individuals should not be used to illustrate sensitive subject matter in such a way as to indicate that the individual is connected with the issue.
Photographs or videos of people with special needs are to be taken with particular care, compassion and protection of privacy.
Photograph or videos all people with respect and dignity. Special care and compassion must be exercised with vulnerable subjects.
Survivors of sexual exploitation, gender-based violence or abuse are not to be identified as such.
An individual’s status as a person living with HIV, TB or any other serious health conditions must not be revealed without informed written consent.
An individual’s engagement in sex work or other socially marginalised or criminalised (or criminal) activities must not be identified.
Care must be taken in photographing or filming people in times of crisis. Do not exploit an individual’s vulnerability at times of trauma or grief.
Photographs or videos of children taken for work related purposes must adhere to standards arising from DFATs Child Protection Policy. Before photographing or filming a child, staff or contractors must obtain informed consent from the child and a parent or guardian and explain how the image or video will be used. In group situations such as a classroom, confirmation of previous parental consent is to be obtained from a school principal or senior teacher. In addition:
Before photographing or filming a child, assess and comply with local laws, traditions or restrictions for reproducing personal images
Ensure photographs, videos and DVDs present children in a dignified and respectful manner and not in a vulnerable or submissive manner. Children should be adequately clothed and not in poses that could be seen as sexually suggestive
Images must be honest representations of the context and the facts
File labels must not reveal identifying information about a child when sending images or videos electronically.
Last updated
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