6.8 Complaints and Feedback

There are three Complaints and Feedback policies at Catalpa: (i) Internal Complaints and Feedback Policy for Catalpa personnel to refer to (ii) External Complaints and Feedback Policy for non-Catalpa personnel i.e. the wider community, partners, government stakeholders etc., and (iii) Whistleblower Policy.

However, regardless of the policy that the Complaint or Feedback falls within Catalpa has one complaints handling system, meaning that no matter what a complaint is about the issue can be raised in the same way, by contacting via Stopline, a third party platform which allows anonymous reporting and provides support to people trying to report including translation / interpretation services if needed. You can reach Stopline on:

Telephone: 1300 30 45 50 (Australia Only)

Email: makeareport@stopline.com.au

On-line: https://catalpa.stoplinereport.com

Mail: Catalpa International, c/o Stopline, PO Box 403, Diamond Creek, VIC 3089

By QR code:

As per the Whistleblowing Policy, if an eligible whistleblower (someone connected to Catalpa) reports a ‘disclosable matter’ to a Catalpa ‘protection officer’ (including the People and Culture Manager) then they will be protected under the Whistleblowing Policy - please see the Whistleblowing Policy for more information including for definitions.

If the complaint relates to safeguarding (either Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment; or Child Safeguarding), you can also report any concerns via email to Catalpa’s Safeguarding Focal Point on safeguarding@catalpa.io

Last updated