Use of Catalpa Vehicles Policy - PNG

Date of Approval

August 2024

Date of review

August 2025


People & Culture Manager

1. Introduction

The following document outlines the rules and procedures for using any vehicles that are either owned or leased by Catalpa in PNG. Owning and operating a vehicle comes with risk for Catalpa, our employees, and other people on the road. This policy is intended to describe our guidelines for using Catalpa vehicles.

2. Purpose & Scope

This policy describes our guidelines for using Catalpa cars in Papua New Guinea. A Catalpa vehicle is any type of vehicle that Catalpa provides for employees to support transport needs for their jobs that is either owned or leased by Catalpa and we want to ensure they are used safely and appropriately.

Catalpa vehicles are not assigned to an employee unless it is specified in their employment contract.

This policy does not apply to transportation provided for Catalpa staff by a third party security or Transport provider.

3. Policy Principles

3.1 Catalpa responsibilities

At its complete discretion, Catalpa may provide a company vehicle for staff to access to undertake their duties. In PNG, where a vehicle is provided for this purpose it will likely be a small to medium sized 4WD vehicle with security to be considered when selecting vehicle type. Catalpa vehicles are company assets, that is, they are not assigned to an individual for exclusive use.

For company vehicles, Catalpa will provide for:

  • Fuel for the vehicle, which is used for work purposes

  • Routine maintenance of the vehicle and general upkeep of the vehicle so as to make sure the vehicle is safe and roadworthy

  • Repairs of the vehicle

  • Registration of the vehicle

  • Insurance for the vehicle

  • Log-book and process for allocation and recording use of the vehicle

Catalpa will regularly maintain the vehicles with twice yearly services, and with regular oil and water checks. Catalpa’s Finance & Operations Officer in PNG will oversee implementation of this policy.

Where the Catalpa vehicle is out of action due to repairs or servicing, Catalpa cannot guarantee the provision of an alternative vehicle.

3.2 Eligibility to drive Catalpa vehciles

Only Catalpa staff who meet these criteria are eligible to drive a Catalpa vehicle:

  • Must be a Catalpa employee

  • Must have a valid driver’s license

  • Must have a good driving record, that is, they mustn’t have been held at fault for an accident, or arrested on charges of violating vehicle and traffic laws (e.g.driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol).

  • Must know the rules of the road and be able to follow safety and traffic rules, including those on seatbelt usage, mobile phone use and driving while fatigued or intoxicated

  • Understand and commit to reporting on distances covered in the log book

  • Understand and commit to reporting damages, accidents, and other concerns immediately

  • Sign and abide by the Catalpa Vehicle Code of Conduct

3.3 Who is not eligible to drive a Catalpa Vehicle?

  • Consultants are not eligible to drive a Catalpa vehicle unless authorized by the Finance and Operations Officer or Director

  • Spouses, partners or other family members and friends of Catalpa staff

  • A previously authorized driver if they lose their license or they are suspended from driving for a period of time

  • Authorized drivers who are on leave from Catalpa

  • Anyone when the vehicle has been involved in an accident or has a mechanical issue that causes the car to be unfit for driving

  • When an authorized driver is injured, unwell or or unfit to drive a vehicle

  • An authorized driver who refuses to follow the Catalpa Vehicle Policy, or wilfully ignores the policy

  • An authorized driver who shows negligence over vehicle maintenance and upkeep

  • Any Catalpa employees who are unfamiliar with the road rules and driving conditions in PNG

If employees have their driver’s license suspended or revoked, they must inform the Finance and Operations Officer immediately.

3.4 What the Catalpa Vehicle can be used for

A Catalpa vehicle can only be used within reasonable city limits of Port Moresby, it must not be taken beyond the city limits, unless there is authorized approval from the Finance and Operations Officer or Director to do so.

Work related travel - The Catalpa vehicle is to be used for work related travel which is usually during work hours. For example, attending meetings in other locations and procurement activities, returning from a work event.

Taking the vehicle home at night - the vehicle is to be taken home at night by the Team Leader for safekeeping. In the event this is not possible or the Team Leader is on leave the vehicle can be taken home at night for safekeeping by another staff member, at the discretion of the Finance and Operations Officer or kept at a secure office location (Catalpa office car park with security guard).

Limited personal use - the Catalpa vehicle may be used for limited personal use, so long as the travel aligns with routes the vehicle is being used for, for work purposes. That is, you may stop at the supermarket, on the way back from a meeting to the office so long as the supermarket is on the way. It would be inappropriate to use the vehicle to travel to the other side of town to visit a specific supermarket.

Transporting family members/friends in the vehicle - the vehicle should not be used to carry family members. Approval should be sought from the Director to transport friends and family in the vehicle. The driver is accountable for ensuring the safety of family and friends whilst in use of the vehicle and ensuring they comply with the content of this policy.

3.5 What the Catalpa Vehicle cannot be used for

  • In general, the Catalpa vehicle should not be used for general personal use

  • It should not be taken home by a staff member at night to an area where it will be unsafe.

  • It should not be used for driving lessons

  • It should not be held by or used by a Catalpa staff member who is on leave.

  • It should generally not be driven at night, unless the staff is traveling to or returning from a work event in the evening.

3.6 Booking the Vehicle

At the current point and time of reading this policy, the use of the vehicle will be coordinated informally within the Bilum team. As Catalpa’s presence in PNG grows, a dedicated booking system may be implemented so as to ensure everybody can access the vehicle as needed as the vehicle may need to be shared across multiple projects. The key for the vehicle should be kept by the Team Leader in a secure location with access from all team members as required. The Team Leader will oversee use and booking of the vehicle on a day to day to basis until a booking system is in place.

3.7 Transportation of staff to and from work

Catalpa provides all staff transportation to and from work with a transport provider as per current arrangements. It is not an expectation of whoever is taking the vehicle home at night to transport other staff members to and from work.

4. Management and Maintenance of Catalpa Vehicles

4.1 Logging your trip

So we can better maintain our vehicles, as well as track usage for specific projects and to substantiate claim reimbursements, ALL trips in a Catalpa vehicle need to be logged using the Vehicle Log Book that is kept in the vehicle.

4.2 Fuel

A fuel card is provided for topping up fuel in the vehicle:

  • Only drivers should use the fuel card for the vehicle it is issued for

  • Drivers are accountable for filling the tank when it is below 1/4 tank. Please consider the next users of the vehicle when checking fuel levels.

  • In the instance the card is not available, please provide any receipts used for purchasing fuel or other care related products to the Finance and Operations Officer for reimbursement. Approval should be sought by the Finance and Operations Officer prior to purchase.

4.3 Vehicle Tracking and security

For safety and security reasons, all Catalpa vehicles have had installed tracking devices and duress alarms by On Track Solutions. The Finance and Operations Officer is responsible for ensuring registration and replacement of these devices.

In the event of a security incident such as a car accident or car jacking, press the duress alarm to activate assistance by a Security Provider - currently this is Rapid Response.

Vehicle tracking systems are installed to ensure vehicles can be located at any point and time.

4.4 Taking the vehicle outside the city limits

A Catalpa vehicle can only be used within city limits of Port Moresby, it must not be taken beyond the city limits, unless there is authorized approval from the Finance and Operations Officer to do so.

If the vehicle is being taken on either of the highways outside of Port Moresby, the driver should discuss with the Finance and Operations Officer in advance, to establish whether a security escort is needed, and that the vehicle is appropriate to use for those conditions, and can be kept safe. Secure transport including driver will be provided in the case of travel to other provinces/locations.

5. Seeking Approval to drive a Catalpa Vehicle

Approval for using Catalpa’s vehicles will be made on a case by case basis - approval needs to be sought from the Finance and Operations Officer who will facilitate for the Authorized Driver Checklist to be completed and saved on file with other relevant documentation.

Drivers of Catalpa Vehicles will be asked to:

  1. Provide a copy of their Drivers license

  2. Read and sign the Catalpa’s Vehicle Code of Conduct and this Policy

Quick reference:

  • Only authorized Catalpa employees can drive Catalpa vehicles

  • All drivers must maintain a valid driver’s license, either specific to the relevant country or a valid international driver’s license

  • A scan of the appropriate drivers license is to be provided to the Finance & Operations Officer

  • Drivers must adhere to all of the relevant country’s road laws

  • Catalpa employees who are not familiar with PNG’s driving rules and conditions may be asked to undergo local driver safety training or an orientation to Port Moresby roads and security conditions with a Catalpa staff member. All staff members will undergo a briefing regarding this policy and Catalpa security provisions before driving a Catalpa vehicle in PNG.

6. Driving responsibly

Catalpa requires staff to operate vehicles safely. We have an expectation that you will put the safety of yourself and your passengers as the number one priority. The following applies at all times in Catalpa vehicles:

  • Drivers must have a valid license and have a good driving record

  • Notify the Finance and Operations Officer if your good driving record changes ie you are charged with traffic offenses

  • Drivers must know and follow the rules of the road

  • The driver and occupants are required to wear a seatbelt at all times when the vehicle is in motion

  • The vehicle must be driven at speeds that are within limits and appropriate for the road conditions

  • Texting and making calls from a phone in my hand is prohibited while operating a moving vehicle.

  • Drivers must not be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, in addition no alcoholic beverages, or any prescription drugs that could impair someone’s driving ability may NOT be used by anyone driving a Catalpa vehicle

  • Smoking and chewing betelnut is prohibited in the car

  • The driver is responsible for keeping the car locked and in safe parking when unattended in their use.

  • Do not leave items in the vehicle when it is unattended such as laptops, bags etc.

  • Do not drive with valuable items (such as laptops) visible to those outside of the vehicle i.e. working on a laptop in heavy traffic.

  • The driver must report any damage, accidents and/or any other concerns immediately to the Finance and Operations Officer.

  • Whilst the vehicle is assigned to the driver, the driver must not under any circumstances, allow unauthorized drivers to drive the vehicle.

  • Personal use of the vehicle is allowed, so long as the safety and security of the vehicle is not put at risk e.g. traveling out of town to remote villages or into high risk areas of Port Moresby.

  • Only drive the vehicle if I am in good physical and emotional health and am safe to do so

  • Drivers must notify the Finance and Operations Officer if their good driving record changes

7. In the event of an accident or incident

Accidents do happen, and it is important that you have the required emergency contact numbers. It is a good idea to save these to your phone.

Employees shouldn’t accept responsibility or guarantee payment to another party in an accident.

In the event of an accident:

  • Secure your safety and that of your passengers (your safety is more important than the vehicle)

  • If you are able to, push the duress alarm to activate support from our Security Provider Rapid Response

  • Contact the police or ambulance if the situation requires

  • PNG Police, 000

  • PNG Ambulance, 000

  • Contact the Team Leader and/or Finance and Operations Officer as soon as practically possible so we can provide support and notify our insurer.

If you find yourself in an accident, regardless of who is at fault, please complete the Vehicle Incident Report form and record the following pertinent information:

  • Date and location of accident

  • Make /model/year or vehicle or motorcycle

  • Registration number

  • Other driver/owner name, address and phone number

  • Extent of damage to vehicle, being specific as possible as to the location of damage, and any injuries

  • Brief description, including photographs (if possible)

In the instance of theft of the vehicle, please also report this immediately to the Finance and Operations Officer and to the Police.

8. Insurance

Catalpa ensures that Catalpa vehicles are insured appropriately. Staff must report all accidents and incidents that result in damage, whether minor or significant, to the Finance and Operations Officer so that insurance processes can be followed.

Note, if the staff member is found to have been at fault, or negligible, in the event of an incident or accident or damage to the vehicle, they may be asked to pay for or contribute to repairs and/or insurance excess at Catalpa’s discretion. Further, disciplinary action may be taken up to and including termination of their contract with Catalpa. Such instances will be investigated by Catalpa to determine actions to be taken.

All accidents or security incidents including those involving another party must also be reported to the police, the Finance and Operations Officer may support you with undertaking this process if required.

9. Penalties and fines

The driver is liable for any penalties or fines issued to them when they are driving and/or accountable for the vehicle. If the penalty or fine is in relation to maintenance and upkeep of the vehicle then Catalpa will be liable for these costs.

10. Breaches or Abuse of this Policy

The following actions or inaction may merit a breach of the Use of Catalpa Vehicles Policy, PNG:

  • Allowing an unauthorized driver to drive a Catalpa vehicle

  • Using the vehicle for significant personal use

  • Driving the vehicle without a valid driver's license

  • Not following the road rules as reported by passengers

  • A change in good driving record

  • Does not ensure that passengers wear seat belts

  • Uses mobile phone whilst driving

  • Drives the vehicle while fatigued or intoxicated

  • Drives the vehicle while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs

  • Chews betelnut in the vehicle (this applies to anyone in the vehicle not just the driver)

  • Takes the vehicle home at night without authorisation

  • Drives with more passengers in the car than there are seat belts

  • Failure to:

    • Report all incidents and accidents to the Office Manager

    • Keep the vehicle clean and tidy after use.

    • Keep tank filled

  • Excessive personal use of the vehicle

  • Excessive personal use of the vehicle that is outside work use

  • Uses the Catalpa vehle whilst on leave

  • Using Catalpa vehicles outside city limits without approval from the Finance and Operations Officer.

Suspected breaches or abuse of this policy should be reported to the People & Culture Manager who will determine if an investigation is needed.

Staff found to have breached or abused this policy may be subject to disciplinary actions up to and including termination of their contract with Catalpa

Note, if the staff member is found to have been at fault, or negligible, or culpable in the event of an incident or accident or damage to the vehicle, they may be asked to pay for repairs and/or insurance excess at Catalpa’s discretion. Further, disciplinary action may be taken up to and including termination of their contract with Catalpa. Such instances will be investigated by Catalpa to determine actions to be taken.

11. Roles and Responsibilities



PNG Operations Staff

People & Culture Manager

Wear seatbelt at all times

  • Ensure they are aware of the vehicle policy and report non compliance of the driver to the Finance and Operations Officer

  • Do not chew betel nut, drink or eat in the vehicle

  • Do not disrupt the driver whilst they are driving

  • Do not leave the car untidy

  • Do not leave items in the vehicle when it is unattended such as laptops, bags etc.

  • Renew vehicle registration and insurance as required

  • Only allow authorized Catalpa individuals to drive Catalpa vehicle

  • Keep records of drivers licenses and signed Driver Code of Conduct

  • Schedule regular maintenance checks on Catalpa vehicle

  • Coordinate cleaning of vehicles as needed

  • Report any abuse of the vehicle and/or this policy to Team Leader/Administration Manager and/or People & Culture Manager

  • Keep registrations and accounts with providers as required (security response, fuel, maintenance)

  • Monitor water and oil levels (can delegate to a team member)

  • Ensure the policy is up to date and reviewed annually

  • Support any investigations of breaches to this policy

Annex 1 - Catalpa Vehicle Code of Conduct

I confirm I have read Catalpa’s Vehicle Use Policy and confirm that:

  1. I have a valid driver's license in the country I am driving in and confirm that I have a good driving record.

  2. I have provided a copy of my current license to the Finance and Operations Officer

  3. I know and agree at all times to follow the rules of the road.

  4. I will ensure that I and any occupants in the vehicle I am driving will wear a seatbelt at all times when the vehicle is in motion.

  5. I agree to only drive the vehicle at the speed limit and speeds that are appropriate for the road conditions.

  6. I understand texting and making phone calls from a phone in my hand is prohibited while operating a moving vehicle.

  7. I understand Catalpa has a zero tolerance approach to alcohol and drug use when using the Catalpa vehicle

  8. I understand that smoking and chewing betelnut is prohibited in the car.

  9. I will ensure to keep the vehicle locked and secure if unattended.

  10. I will report any damage, accidents and/or any other concerns immediately

  11. Do not leave items in the vehicle when it is unattended such as laptops, bags etc.

  12. I will not under any circumstances allow unauthorized drivers to drive the vehicle.

  13. Whilst the vehicle is to me, I will not allow unauthorized drivers to drive the vehicle.

  14. I will log all trips conducted in the vehicle logbook

  15. I will notify the Finance and Operations Officer if my good driving record changes

  16. I will only drive the vehicle if I am in good physical and emotional health and am safe to do so

Name of staff member:

Signed by staff:


Signed by Finance and Operations Officer:

Last updated